Benefits of Horsemanship

Activities that include ground and/or mounted experiences taught by a PATH Intl Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor (CTRI) teaching horsemanship to individuals with various diagnoses using their knowledge of disabilities to teach participants at different levels.  Therapeutic horsemanship provides emotional, cognitive, social and physical benefits.

Participants from the age of 4 throughout adulthood come to enjoy these benefits.  Most riders have a leader and two sidewalkers, however, independence is encouraged. 

Developmental Vaulting:  Rider uses a vaulting surcingle and is challenged to move in various vaulting positions to help increase core strength. This activity is different from Interactive Vaulting.

Unmounted Horsemanship fundamentals study equine behaviors, learning to groom, lead a horse, and herd dynamics. 

MACH 1 teaches Natural Horsemanship Core Values as a daily part of the program.

MACH 1 Horsemanship Core Values:

  • Live with courage
  • Stay focused
  • Practice Integrity
  • Take Responsibility
  • Learn Patience
  • Show empathy and understanding of others
  • Exhibit perseverance
  • Practice Excellence